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Mantis Laser Academy Training Kit Standard 9mm

Mantis Laser Academy Training Kit Standard 9mm


Availability: In Stock

Mfg Part Number: MT-4004 Manufacturer: Mantis Tech

Mantis Laser Academy: Dry Fire Target Practice the Easy Way

With guided drills and real-time feedback, the Mantis Laser Academy dry fire laser target system allows you to have a training facility at home and at your convenience. Get quality reps with your own equipment and experience a higher level of dry fire laser target training with positive results you can see and feel. Laser Academy’s variety of drill options also keep things fresh for shooters, making practice feel more like a game and less like a chore.

The Laser Academy system utilizes a laser training cartridge that drops into the chamber of your firearm, delivering a laser beam down the barrel every time the firing pin strikes the round. Using physical targets, these laser “shots” are read by your phone or tablet and scored accordingly, per mode. The simplicity of the setup is what provides the flexibility for when and where you can practice.

Standard Kit contains:

Mantis Laser Training Kit Standard 9mm
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